Each of these multi -colored minerals is one hundred percent natural remedy with a cleansing and antiseptic effect, as well as. the ability to accumulate energy and information.
The ancient Egyptians used clay compresses for the treatment of wounds, and Hippocrates extolled its anti -inflammatory properties. And for cosmetic purposes, clay has been used since ancient times. Today this mineral is of great interest in the study of the process
of emergence of life on Earth. The study of one of the types of clay – Montmorillonite – showed that it is able to form membrane, filled with liquid bags, which, like primitive cells, are capable of growth and division*. As he believes Leslie Orgel (Leslie Orgel), Specialist in the origin of life from the Institute of Biological Sciences. SOLOL (USA), clay has the ability to accumulate and transmit information. Its interaction with RNA chains involved in the regeneration of genetic information is now being studied.
Among the numerous properties of clay are the amazing abilities of Sorbent. Moreover, this mineral is characterized by absorption and adsorption. The first is characteristic of many substances of the porous structure – this is the ability to absorb water, fat or gas. Clay can incorporate the amount of substance eight times larger than its own weight. This makes it an indispensable component of various products for oily skin, shampoos, matting facial products. Like a blotter, clay absorbs an excess of fat, remaining completely neutral against the skin. Another property of clay is adsorption, the ability to attract and bind toxins. This property is used in creating cosmetic masks for deep skin cleaning, as well as some enterosorbents.
Improves skin color, lights up pigment spots
When taking such drugs, clay neutralizes bacteria, toxins, absorbs acids of organic origin, antibiotics and other drugs. “Clay removes the remnants of medicines from the body well. Sometimes it is prescribed after taking antibiotics, ”the dermatologist explains Elena Fuflygina. – In therapy of skin diseases, clay is used in the form of powders or applications, its anti -inflammatory and antipruritic effect is important here “. Due to their absorbing properties, clay preparations can reduce the effectiveness of drugs, therefore it is not recommended to use them along with painkillers and other drugs.
Another amazing quality of clay is the ability to absorb unpleasant odors. Try to place two tablespoons of green clay in powder on the lower shelf of the refrigerator (clay should be changed every week).
The three most common types of clay are illytes, Montmolalonite and Kaolin. Its color depends on the chemical composition and place where clay formed.
Illit – clay green or bluish, has an increased absorbent ability. Illytes promotes the resorption of hemorrhages and is used in the form of applications to relieve muscular and articular pain. Traditional medicine recommends using this clay for rheumatism and arthritis, for example, in the form of rubbing with clay water. To do this, a small amount of clay powder is diluted in warm water (it is not recommended to use metal dishes). Another use is associated with the ability of clay to influence biologically active points: in this case, clay applications are placed on the projection of the diseased organ.
Montmirillitis – usually yellow, pink or red clay, has high adsorbing properties. This is the basic ingredient of cosmetic drugs. “Thanks to its mineral composition, clay can be used in means for correcting the figure, for example, in anti -cellulite wraps. It contributes to the removal of toxins from connective tissue and skin remineralization, ”explains Elena Fuflygina.
Kaolin is white, or porcelain, clay is used to soften the skin and improve the complexion or in combination with Montmorillonitis in the absorbing and maturity of means. It is added to drugs for problem skin, masks for deep cleansing, sometimes it is part of powder.
Perfect after sunbathing
The energy properties of color clay are used by the color therapy of the Feng Shui method. It is based on the ancient Chinese idea of the harmony of male and female principles Yin and Yang: according to him, various elements, colors, seasons and organs of our body are in subtle dependence among themselves. Problems of a physiological nature (poor complexion, circulatory violation) reflect an excess or lack of one or another energy in the body.
Five colors personify five elements: water, fire, wood, earth and metal. This knowledge is used, for example, in therapy using cosmetic masks of clay of different colors. “Each area on the face is associated with the work of certain internal organs and belongs to one of the elements,” says Svetlana Dean, Specialist in Eastern Cosmetology and Reflexotherapy. -The forehead zone is associated with the elements of fire, which is responsible for cardiovascular activity, we apply red clay to it-by the way, very rich in iron, which affects the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The lower eyelids and chin are associated with the elements of water and kidneys – black clay is applied here, which, as a rule, is mined near the sea. Whiskey and the area between the eyebrows are associated with the gall bladder and the liver, they are under the auspices of the elements of wood and green. The upper part of the cheeks “is responsible” by the stomach and spleen-problems with the skin (for example, acne on the cheeks) indicate problems of the gastrointestinal tract. This zone is patronized by the element of the Earth and the yellow color. We apply white clay to the nose and lower part of the cheeks – it normalizes the operation of the respiratory system that the metal patronizes. Thus, each type of clay “enhances” the corresponding element and harmonizes the work of internal organs ”. This principle was adopted by specialists in the spa: for example, blue clay is often used to improve liquid circulation and relieve swelling of the legs.